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Glen Marullo is an award-winning sound mixer with more than 25 years experience on both sides of the Atlantic. A native New Yorker married to a Brit, he has travelled the world on location.

Glen has recorded sound five miles beneath the ocean on the NR-1 and at 35,000 ft aboard Airforce 1.

He has worked with Oscar-winning Directors and Directors of Photography and with more celebrities than he can remember....

Glen's career spans the industry - ranging from feature films, television dramas, commercials, documentaries, industrials, to ADR and Live concert performances. Recent projects include Luther, Mistresses 1 and 2, Four Seasons, Spooks 7, Bloodrush, Commander IV, Diary of a Nobody, This LIfe +10, Afterlife 1 and 2, Losing It, All in the Game, Third Watch and Confetti.

Glen lives in Bristol with his wife, two sons and dog Tia - all of whom prefer to be in front of the camera !

A Member of IATSE Local 52 Glen Marullo © 2019